Sunday, March 23, 2008
When was the last time you receive a gift or a surprise?
I hasnt been receivin any surprises lately..
Honestly, I hasnt been happy since the last day of my exam..
I afraid I'm losing myself more and more
Where has the real me gone to?
I wan myself back..
Where are you?
the one who never failed to cheer me up
and fill my life with surprises?..
Are you gone?..
Once I thot that you would be the one for me
It would takes me whatever just to make you stay
The broken pieces that were once made could never make me piece them again
You know I deserve better than this..
We will never find the feeling back like the past
We both knew well that you wun change and
neither do I will wait in the phobia of the past
I found a million and one reasons to leave and not even one to stay..
Could you find one to let me change and to stay?
}} PARIS 9:27 AM
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Hasnt been updatin for some times
Been too busy with work..
Work from morining till night.. hiaz
The stock taking job finally ended after three days
It was indeed a beri easy job, playing with the wave was fun
goin up and down. My partner was a hum ji la..
He got height phobia den he very kia si, juz cant stop laughin at him
BTW thks diana for replacing me for mon and tue
they go change the day den i cant work.. sob sob
oh.. there was one very day that i went dinner with JAM
thks to MICHELLE WONG YANMING ( our queen)
brought us to this place called the taos restaurant at paradiz centre
the ppl there is so nice and the food is superb.. is a seven course dinner..
probably will upload the pictures of the food.. hehe..
Working at the airport was fun, its been like long since i ever touch F&B again
get to meet alot of diff. ppl from diff. country
the ppl working there are nice ppl, hehe.. they are good to me..
I learnt new things and the machine keying in the food was fun
It's like those fastest finger game.. hehe..
sometimes the restaurant got so busy
that i feel like i'm playing a 4D da pai dong computer game.. lolx..
There also this day that i met with
chuan liang, jun cheng, jun hui and xinquan
to eat at 85. Stupid sugarcane uncle wanna force us buy his sugar cane
in the end we called 5 sugarcane which cost 7.40..
But we are so fortunate that the uncle din take the money that we put on the table
yet he still gib us back the 3 bucks change.. haha
He is paying us another 3 bucks to drink his sugar cane..
Jc say is his bao yin for being so bad.. haha..
I'm so broke now.. although i work but money will only come in on the 28th.. hiaz
I wanna go play b4 i leave.. Hiaz.. I begin to feel that I will be missin everyone..
}} PARIS 9:52 AM
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Went to meet LQt at Far east in the late afternoon, she needs to do some shopping for her buddy.. we shop here and there and she just couldnt find the right thing for her buddy and in the end ended up with tons of rewards for herself, the hole in her pocket is getting bigger. Since both of us are so broke, we went to taka basement and eat the J- noodle( those teppanyaki type). Shop from orchard to somerset, took the train home and when we're reaching PR, we saw a guy who was sitting next next to us wearing his socks and shoes. OMG, me and QT was like shocked and we just couldnt hold our amusement for just a second. I shld had taken it down la and post it on my blog.. lolx..
I was empty-ended that day however my reward was more than any one could imgaine:
I wasnt lying, its so damn damn true
I saw him outside grand hyatt while pushing my way to far east (I'm Late)
His car parked outside hyatt and they were getting down,
The hyatt guard sort of stop the passer by and I hack care just went pass
Then I saw one guard shaking hand with the person that I just dashed across,
trun back to see who, it was Jackie Chan!!
Cant believe my eyes and I stone there for 10 seconds seeing him leave.
That's was the best thing that ever happen so far:)
Starting work in the airport, It was easy to understand the whole process, but i dont feel like workin anymore. Cos the whole attire and appearance thingy, i dun feel comfortable at all. No frindge and forehead to be seen, shitty. I went home cut my frindge and I just looked so KNS.
If i go work tmr and they demand to pin up i shall quit.. QUIT!!!
Sorry, it wasnt that any of you are bad, it is just that i dun like to be constrain by appearance and attire, I felt that there is nthin wrong with a bit of fringe hanging, it doesnt actually appeal much to the cust. hiaz.. Since the last time from Novotel, I had decide not to get a job that had constrain with appearance especially HAIR, which turns out KNS now..
We are one of a kind, in that second, i realised that we are just to alike. We like to listen to good things yet we are not willing to say nice things to the others. It is just tiring to cry thruout the night after work and lucky that aids to com-fy sleep..
}} PARIS 8:56 PM
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Normal day. Went to school in the morning for OSIP training and damn i was late. Sharon and Fion tried calling me like dunno how many donkeys times and I just din hear dem. Training starts 9 and i woke up at 9.30, sian.
Went to watch leap years with BG and the show is so nice that it deserve a second time. The storyline was touching and the whole show is so romantic. The words and the lines that the actors and actresses uses touches every moment and bring me into a deeper thots at each scene.
Best quote from the show:
It is better to have loved and lost, den not to have love at all..
I love 29/2.
Actually planning to wake up earlier de, gotta go to amk and run errand, then have to go airport and pass things to BG and finally back to sch to meet carol. However, in the end teacher doesnt need to meet us then i went back to ws and do some slackin. Went to bank and change a new bank book, went library and borrowed a book, went comic connection and get a comic. Went home and chatted with danny online. Hiaz, starting work on thur, I'm getting excited. Lets look forward to new life.
}} PARIS 5:10 AM
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Zoo Part 1

}} PARIS 11:47 PM
The Girl;
Going Back;