Doctor, I think I've got a broken heart.
Sharon, Fion and I went down to GB today
Collect fabric sample and took some pics for survey
Met Diana and Joanne @ vivo
Ate @ Bosses restaurant. Nice xiao long bao
Watched D.Maybe
It was a nice show, nthin much to comment
Chatted with Diana till 9 b4 we head home
We're common in some ways
We come up with smth:
Men are like different type of dishes
They come in diff. taste
When they're spicy, prepare water to cool urself down
When they're sweet, you shld start wryin abt gettin diabetics
When they're sour, it mean they're starting to turn bad
When they're bitter, just throw them away
Women shld just get a taste of everything
Gotta go busy this week
there's so much things to be done
catchin up, projects and all sorts of nonsense
yet so little time:(
Another 6 more days to go
When the date get closer
I'm getting nervous
Hopefully on Fri Z.B.S.ME could go out for a drink or twooo
I miss them
Okay, I just went thru my previous emails
I still din had the courage to delete them
Everlasting love? Whats the definition of everlasting?
I gave up for now, I really need some air
To the lesson of love, I'm new again..