Saturday, May 17, 2008

15 day
Boring day,
Work, work, work
16 day
Today is the kings birthday,
Chhan promised to bring us to the river side
To see the firework
Went out in the night ard 7pm and back at 10pm
Disappointing as there is no firework
Probably muz wait for a tmr or the day after
Cos the king birthday celebration last for 3 days
But there is a lot of nice thing to eat
There are fry cockroaches, fry baby bird
Fry cricket and a lot a lot..
There are a lot of locals who buy them and eat..
Finally, we had pissed him off..
We win this time round.
17th day
I hate customer service hotline
I really hate them
Especially the overseas hotline
Roaming per min is 6.60
(hadn’t include GST)
This month bill is gonna shoot up to 100++
One cust hotline call
And one fren call
I’m gonna complain abt M1 till I get back the 51.20..
18th day
Today is the commemoration of BREAD DAY,
We ate the baygon bakery hot dog bread
Then is the baguette fish pork bread,
Then after lunch we ate abc bakery egg bread
And we spent like 1US eating bread the whole day..
Went internet café in the late evening
Called mummy and qiao ting lao po
Called Mr, Know it all too,
but he nber picked up my phone:( Hiaz
Get to talked to Joanne Low also
Low wanting;
Hey girl, you way to go
Be strong and say NO to ppl and things
Do whatever you think is correct
Stand firm on the ground,
We3 are here to give you moral support
Till we step on Singapore ground.
Saw the earthquake photos of china
Me and Sharon felt so sad
And thus with the cats and dogs atmosphere
We became emo during dinner
Fion cant ctl and cried on the dinner table
The ppl are quite shocked to see us emo
Den they tried mean and ways to cheer us up
In the end, mak(mum) Phola and Neat
Went to buy dessert and cheer us up..
It is true that sweet things make ppl happy..
We tend to open up abit
But sadly to say,
This few days we3 had been counting down the days
To the day we go back home
We missed Hokkien mee, char kway tiao,
And all the local staffs..
19th day
Today was a messy, scary day..
A bunch of bees came visit the shops
Buzz and fly off..
Leaving tons of blunt stings..
And a blur us..lolx..
Shall save it for care and concern sessions…
I leant how to recycle plastic bags into strings..
Woot woot woot.. can perform when I return.. lolx..
20th day
I had diarrhea from yesterday,
Went to the loo like 9 times today
All liquid..
Thks to fion tay (my new sectary)
She given me this colourful medicine
That makes me feel so much better
Muz be the coconut milk that we had yesterday
Sharon went toilet once and me the unlucky one
Some more we ran out of toilet paper
Den bo bian had to use tissue
Went supermarket in the afternoon and stock up stocks
Bought quite a lot of stuffs..
We use toilet paper more den we eat rice
One day one roll, also dunno how we use..
From today onwards,
I declare not to blog on everyday basis,
So I will summarize my post on weekly basis,
Cos too much things to do,
Now no time to blog le..
Haha.. hopefully, by uploading more pics
It will aid more den talking..
Cos a picture says a million wordS…
To Queen Wong Pls take care of ur health okay
Den wait for a few more years we can go learn diving together too
To LQT Too much kissing leads to gum infection
KISS LESS.. lolx..
}} PARIS 11:17 PM
Sunday, May 11, 2008

10 day
Woke up at 7 to wash clothes
Finally fion woke up too
She so lazy when come to washing clothes
She din even wanna squeeze the water out of the jeans
Mei yi in the end 看不下去
Den help fion to squeeze dry the water in the jeans
I juz stand aside and watch them arguing
Everytime wash clothes mei yi will start to nag fion
And fion will not care abt her
Cos morning den she very blur.. haha
So only mei yi will do the tokin
And frion do the random singing.. haha
I killed two cockroaches today
The cockroach here very hard to die
So pa buay tou one.. tough guy..lolx
Hiaz.. sian.. I miss SUSHI.. lolx
I want to eat ah balling
Becos dad said they goin eat ah balling
When I called home today
Ohh.. sian..
Nthing much today too..
BTW I got so scared of this guy in Cambodia
Freaking scary,
He loved talking to me
And he practically ignore Sharon and fion
When they toked to him
He only want to listen to my opinion
Sharks.. my voltage too high le..
Oh no.. lolx.
Hope he stop havin interest to my conversation.. haha
11 day
I broke a glass today at home
The coffee table glass top
Haha, I din know my strength is so big that the glass broke
I juz use a slight strength to hit the table top..lolx..
And all thanks to my beloved fion
Who cause this undesirable incident..
Shall talk abt it later when we return..
There’s few power cut today..
one long in the day and two short one in the night..
And I’m getting itchy each day
Cos a lot of itsy bitsy insects climbing onto our bed each day
I had an attempt to kill cockroach today
But let it ran away.. so sad
Did quite a lot today for work
And we finally found a scope that we can do here.. happy
Trying my best to minimize my conversation with the weird guy
Tried to avoid him a lot a lot
And Sharon can really imitate his voice damn well
The way he call my name…YUCKS…
Becos we got freakin scared of him
Everytime during meal we will laugh non stop
If he ask me I like the food anot.. haha
Cos he wun ask Sharon and fion de lar.. WTH
Anyway, I’m really freakin scare of him, even I hear his name
Hey boss, you called today
It was so nice of you
But you know that we are paying for local calls
Haha.. somemore I usin pay as you roam leh..
20% more leh..lolx..
somemore is 3 mins 3 second = 4 min
haha, den one min is 4 smth leh.. haha
BTW the company phone is use phone card the
So only the local call from Cambodia to Cambodia den can call de
So msg you the number also of no use.. lolx..
Sharon also receive calls from franko asked her go work
Wasted her money also.. somemore franko crap for 3 mins plus..
Haha.. den still dun wan tell Sharon who he was..lolx..
I think her hp bill worse den me
Cos sometime she will anyhow press the number to other unknown no.
Haha,, careless ger..
Sharon gib me and Fion a nickname call,
The V and V sister
You all wanna know what does it stand for:
Vulgar and violent sister
I’m violent and Fion is vulgar.. haha
Sharon is the SSSS (S4) ger
Sharon the Screaming Siao sot ger.. haha
Happy that my groupmates now are a step closer to not scare insects campaign
My ears are not as painful as the first week
Miracle-ly I learnt how to scream also
Upon seeing rats.. ARGH BIG FAT RAT EACH DAY!!!
Rats- they’re driving me crazy each night..
12 day
Tonight we are invited for a birthday party
@ our GM place, cos her baby one year old
then we went to the market to see if we could buy anything
not good to go ppl hse empty handed ma.. haha
decided to buy fruits and wrap nicely for her
The market was juz behind our place
So the 3 of us walked there
Is small crowded and traffic is damn bad
Everywhere we walked the car sure horn at us..
There is this one time, we are going to cross the road,
There is this garbage truck that stops and horn @ us
The whole market ppl turn and laugh at us lar..WTH
We went to the first stall to buy pears
Auntie says 5 for 6000Rial,
In the end we buy 5 auntie raise up the price to 7000R
Then we are so pissed off by the auntie lar..
Anyway is once and for all, wun go back to the auntie le.. hmph..
The birthday celebration was very grand
Is like those in Singapore,
One table 10 person liddat de
Total like got 6 table like that, quite grand
The dishes also very nice, is a 7 course meal
Got fish, duck, vegetable, soup, rice and dessert
I can tell you that is the only meal so far that there is
Meat in it…lolx..
We tasted the ang kor beer, local Cambodian beer
Not as good as our tiger beer, too light and bitter
I miss my drinks.. lolx..
BTW Bacardi is very cheap here..
One bottle is like 6.90 US
Damn cheap.. haha.. feel like buying to drink
But no fridge at home.. Sian..
Liquor and cigarettes here is damn cheap..
If smokers come sure very happy de..
Can smoke like no body business..
After that we went to the night market and river side.
The place in the night was not as nice as the morning scene.
But I bought a straw bag which cost only 3.50US
Haha.. had fun shopping and
We really thank the ppl for everything.. hehe
13 day
Tire day today,
Finally I get to catch an afternoon nap
So long nber slp in the afternoon le
So many things to do
Cos the stock officer pholla came
Had to keyed in the product measurement into the excel spreadsheet
There are like 289 products and
I had to set formula for each one
Siao le lar, I think 3 day 3 night also cant finish
Somemore pholla is going back to village soon
I had to speed up my process..
Lolx.. getting stress up with this excel thingy
Cos I not so expert also, muz slowly self leaning
Hiaz.. hope I dun screwed up this thing
Asked Chhan to teach me to ride motor
So after we closed shop today at 5,
He called and teached me
It is so fun, but changing the gear seems quite tough
Cos I cant seems to get the gears and stopping time right
Almost bang into the lamp post.. haha..
But luckily I stopped in time
But anyway, the ending is
The lesson is totally free and I’m so proud of myself
I use only 5 mins to balance the bike
and 1 hour to learnt everything
but I muz practice each day, so I’ll be expert.. haha
A funny guy drop by at GBC tonight, Ponarey
He is damn crappy and funny
He is the joker
While Sharon is the joke
He entertain us for the whole night
And we laughed throughout the dinner
Juz that one freaky ass is there
And spoil our day..
I getting frustrated with this freak
Dun call my name during meal times
Stop forcing us to do things we don’t like
Dun disturb, dun come knocking on our doors
When we are bathing..
Cheat our money, you greedy freak
Stop wanting to be in the picture,
camera crack with your face in it..
Can u understand ENGLISH!!!
14 day
How should I describe today?
I damn moody and angry
I dunno how to describe but it just simply sux
I think I’m getiing dehydrated,
Cos the sun here is like damn big
We cleaned up the whole house today,
It was infested with ants and cockroach
Despite being so tired after we went Olympic market
No breakfast and lunch for us
Cos the ants went munching on all our food stock
And we had to throw them away
The food stock is engh to last for 1 week man..
We carried the whole shelves up to the roof
Damn heavy and wash the whole shelf
And now we dunoo where to keep all our things
Cos everywhere is ants and cocokroaches..
Later we going to eat Korean food..
Eat good good to replenish all the energy lost
BTW I get sleepy easily in the night
Lying on the sofa makes me sleep soundly..
Hiaz, I begin to miss my home..
}} PARIS 1:01 AM
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
献给,爱我和我爱的 吴爸,吴妈
}} PARIS 12:18 AM
7 day
Today was an off day for everyone,
So the shop was not opened.
Went to the Church and worship with everyone
3 of us were excited not becos of the worship,
Saw a lot of fake goods there, but ex sia
Bought 3 dvd back and watch;
27 dresses, Juno and Over her dead body
(1.5 USD per piece) Resolution damn good sia
We saw Ipod (dunno is fake or real)
But it look so real, 1gb 35 USD
2bg 40US, so I’m considering to buy anot
After Russian market, we walked to the
Pagoda, where all the monks live in there
Quite ulu and quite scary cos very quiet
But we still took pictures.. hehe
Then we went to Toys café,
juz opposite the pagoda
to drink some things
Is like the normal spore café
But is cheap
Ice coffee – 0.85 USD
Hot chocolate – 0.90 USD
Ice cappuccino – 1.10 USD
After the Tai tai café treat
We decide to go back home
Told the driver to drive us to toi seng museum
Museum is opp where we lived
However the driver he dun know anyhow
Drive us to national museum,
Den bo bian, we went in to NM to see see
Anyway, we were thinking to come here
But never expect the driver to drive us to the wrong place
Spent 3 hours at the museum,
After that we walked to golden pagoda, royal palace
To see see, but is a bit late, so we 3 had to rushed back
We want to go back next week to visit the golden pagoda..
Wish that we had time and not go down to village so soon...
8 day
Did nothing much today,
Early in the morning 7am
Wake up and wash clothes
Today is working day again..
Contd with the organization chart
Power supply was cut after lunch
Cut for 3-4 hours
Cant do anything, den slack at home again
Fion took an afternoon nap
Me and Sharon juz slack ard and tok
Studying for basic theory also
Then near 5 sky turned dark and started raining,
Me and Sharon stood at the balcony and chatted
Looked at the grey clouds moving..
Cambodia sky had nice cloud
Comes in all shapes, very very nice
Then we started singing national day song
Oh..we started to get emo when we sang home.. haha
Sharon is slightly better now,
She din cry for 2 days le.. haha..
So happy that she is starting to get use to the life here..
Btw this morning, when we are throwing away our rubbish
The left over food that we thrown away got one hole
And all the food gone
So we suspect got rats come and eat them in the night..
So from today onwards, we will keep our doors shut
Hiaz, so high still got rat come..
And somemore near our place got 3 rats la..
The other day one juz ran pass me
The rats is like twice the size of Spore de lor..
Hiaz, rats rats (rain rain) go away…
Hip Hip Huray X3
9 day
Today, we spent a lot of money
Juz to stock up our grocery at home
Nothing much today,
Slacking around too
Like yesterday
Cos raining raining raining
Woke up early at 7 to wash clothes
With Sharon
Fion finally had her two piece chic meal
Only (1.50 USD).. cheap right
Have fun joking in the shop
And today we contd with the organization chart
Den we had to take photos of the staffs
Made a temp. passport area
Den we took pic for them
One by one..
Wanna go use internet today,
But raining so cant go out
Today also got power cut
For 2 hours like that
Finally I ate the cookies and cream
Milky bar, after 2 years
Haha, cos the price keep on increase
Den I dun bear to buy and eat
But here only sell (0.60USD)
Haha.. cheap cheap..
So I finally ate it..
So happy today..
}} PARIS 11:37 PM
Saturday, May 03, 2008

This is the sixth day in Cambodia le.
Getting use to the life here slowly..
Hope that everyone out there really misses us
Cos I’m missing everyone a lot..
Forgot to add on the last post
The first day
When there’s power cut in the middle of the night
Fion was stucked in the Bath room bathing half way
She damn zai, cos nber scream..
Just to let you know the rate of cambodia and Spore dollar
4000 Rial = SGD 1.50 aprox
Third day
A Happening day..
Today we get to really know all the colleagues
They are all friendly and nice ppl
Chhan, Dara, Mei Xiang and Ton
Sharon went for the cash register lesson alone today
Me, Fion and Ton are left to take care the shop
We got bored as there is nthing to do
Ton was a wood crafting maker here
I ask him to demonstrate how to make a key chain
Like those that you can put your name on it de
At first me and Fion taught that
the key chain base is wood
It however turns out to be a dried coconut shell
And the wood colour and texture
Is make use of shoe polish and the process of sawing
I make my name using the same method
From the cutting to the sawing and the finishing
And he also taught us khermil basic language
We 3 had fun learning all these language
Afternoon, me and Sharon went back to home
And saw tons and tons of ants here
Damn it, cos breakfast bits is on floor
We had to clean ourself
Sharon go spray OFF
Den the whole floor wet
All the hair and ants stuck to the floor
Den had to use tissues to pick them up
(I’m glad that Joanne Low is not here).. Haha
Washing clothes SUCKS
Washing dirty rags SUCKS MORE
When there are ants and hairs
We had tried a lot of local dishes today
Roasted Banana (500R for one stick 4banana)
Is a small banana that is roast over charcoal
Taste like sweet potato and the skin is salty
Very nice..
We also bought fruits from fruits stall
All fruits are 500R
Fion bought the water chestnut
Is big and crunchy
I bought a packet of fruits
That looks like small tomato
And taste like pomegranate
It has a lot of seed in it
I ate 3 and gave up
Tasted the mango here
Is very sweet and you cant get them in Singapore
Is the Mango season now
You can eat the Mango with rice
It is a dish in Cambodia,
Either a main course or a dessert
A dozen of damn sweet mango cost 14,000 R
Damn cheap, cos a sweet mango in spore cos 3 bucks
Btw everything that can be place in the mouth here is sweet
Even sardine and bread
We finally tried the duck egg
The one that had baby duck in it
OMG.. I cant believe I tried it
Not as disgusting as I thought
But after tasting
The smell and taste remains in
The stomach and mouth all day
1 egg cost (1200 R)(ard 40 cents spore) we bought 3
Fion bought a big fat corn that cost (1000R)
The corn is hot and is damn sweet
We did Stock taking for the whole day
Is a bit tiring
Cos we had to count the whole shop and warehouse stocks
So we abit nuai after that, and is very dusty
Haha.. dun get to finish today
So we should contd tmr…
We’ll going to dinner now le..
We went over for dinner at GBC
Dara cooked kang kong with pork for us
There are mangos again.. Haha
We chat after dinner
We’re back home..
I’m brain dead.. haha
Fourth day
Rong Kun in Cambodia is Kang kong
Finally found some similarity between
My name and Cambodia.. haha
I am going crazy
I got Siao room mates, project mates and friends
I hadn’t called home since I land..Zai right.. Lol
Went to cash register lesson in the morning again
Practically I’m day dreaming cos I’m alone
Bought breads after lesson for Sharon and Fion
Bread in Cambodia comes in different form
But all is sweet.. haha
After Lunch,
Spend my afternoon in the shop with mei xiang
Sharon and Fion went to internet cafe
She taught me khermil language
So I learnt a lot today..
I can memorize the all the numbers in khermil
Tea time today is roasted egg.. haha
Mei xiang treat me (600R for 1 egg)
There is no egg yolk in the egg
All the egg yolk had been suck up
Den it is same like hard boiled egg
Except no egg white,k very nice..
After the shop is close,
Dara ask if I want to go internet café
He want me to help me sent some email
So when to the café and help him sent emails
To his foreign friends.
Had dinner with everyone,
Water melon is damn sweet here and cheap
Chatted for 1 hour
And I’m busy playing guitar
now I’m back home
Got so many things to do still..
And had to wake up early tmr for devotion service..
Li Ye Sheng Hai ( Bye in Khermil)
Cry everyday, after every phone call
Talk to insect everyday
Scream everyday
Apply lotion, pimple cream, and anti-insecticide cream
Fion ask me to add in this part;
She is a cry baby and whining queen
Fion (Sharon says she agree);
Cry also,
Talk to Laptop
Called her Laptop a bao bei
Laugh and sing (damn loud) randomly
Roll here and there each night
Dun like to wash clothes
Always says that she is a entertainment
And randomly beat my hand for nthing
Then she will reply got mosquito.. Siao
Sharon wants me to add this;
8 Steps to Fion washing clothes lesson
1) Stand there and ask Sharon how to wash clothes
2) Pour a little detergent den ask Sharon do what
3) Very gently rub the clothes
4) Ask Sharon what to do again; Sharon “Squeeze dry”
5) Ask Sharon what to do again; Sharon “Clean water la”
6) Squeeze dry for very long becos no strength
7) Kope hanger from room mates
8) Whine and complain;
Ask my mummy bring one month of clothes to Cambodia
I dun mind paying for maids to help me wash.
The clothes I wash I WILL NOT WEAR AGAIN!!!
Fifth day
Went for morning devotion session
Pastor Jimmy share about Luke Chapter 15
I almost cried, held my tears back
Lucky, hadn’t break my record, haha
Is a story about a father and 2 sons
The way the Pastor expresses the story
Touches me deep down in my heart
Parents, they are one that give you life
Sacrifice, love and care for you the most
No matter what you become, good or bad
They had to admit that you are still their child
I immediately thot of my bro when I heard the story
Especially now, I’m alone here
I yearned the love and care from mum and dad
Mummy will ask if I sleep well and eat well
Help me tug my blanket at night
Honestly, from the first day till now,
I only called once after I land, less than 2 mins
Sharon and Fion talked to their parents almost everyday
Fion mum also msg her like 2-3 times a day
Sometimes, they always ask why I dun want to call my parents
But I also dunno how to explain the emotion I’m going thru
Probably I think I cheap skate, wanna save money
Den I dun dare call.. haha..
Anyway, In life there are many turing points,
Being here in Cambodia now
Is probably destined and is a new chapter to start on
So to Mini market and JAM,
This is the best time for us to earn and grow up
Judge the world, see the world, feel the world
And be prepared before we enter the real world
Probably when I returned,
I will be more matured and independent
Love and treasure the world and what I had more
Forget about the sorrows and pain
Throw away the disappointment and depression
Learn to be more positive and care more in life..
Tried something new today also,
Noodles with fish paste, coconut, chilli and po piah
(3000R).. Less than 1.50 SGD..
Not bad very nice, sweet and sour..
Anyway our location got a lot of things to eat
Cos many tourists, so many road stall here
Shall praise Sharon today, helped to throw rubbish
But she din see inside got cockroach
Until she finishes throwing the rubbish,
den Fion screamed and say cockroach,
She went yelling again
Although I ended up throwing the rubbish like usual
But Sharon is a step closer to “I not scare of cockroach campaign”
Btw our house a lot of ants and cockroaches and insects visitors,
I end up killing them, cos the two girls gu niang
So they are willing to use their food stock in exchange for me to
Kill the insects, haha.. I’m earning food by killing insects.. haha..
For work, today did quite a lot of admin stuffs and organization chart
So I’m stopping here now..
Sixth day
We sort of overslept this morning
Too the tired the previous night,
It was pouring this afternoon,
The rain was damn big and
The wind juz contd to blow non stop
Bunnak gave a half day off to us
And suggest us to go sight seeing
But too bad the rain juz spoilt everything
So I stay in the shop and type emails
The roof is leaking so I was so called wet
I went back home and closed the window,
I saw the water rushing down the stairs
Outside the balcony leading to the roof.
It not juz flow down the stairs lor
Is practically like waterfall water rushing down
There after,
Around 3 after the rain stop,
wanna go wash clothes with Sharon
But the rain water flooded our roof
No wonder juz now the water rush down the stairs
And it covered our whole feet..
Donkey years ago, rubbish was being washed out and we found;
Old, tied used sanitary pad, drank jelly package,
Old black rotton mango seed, mineral bottles,
Detergent package etc..
We decided not to wash clothes anymore,
Our detergent powder all become waterish
Shall wake up morning tmr and wash again..
Now, Sharon is another step closer to bravery
She cleared two rows of dead ants infected with OFF
But gave up half way, I helped to packed the ending..
I finally felt contented with the things I had back home..
}} PARIS 4:41 AM
The Girl;
Going Back;